Turkish Footwear Industry Research Development and Education Foundation (TASEV) was established in 1997 under the leadership of Mehmet Büyükekşi, Ercan Artan, Temel Yaşar Çoruh and Hasan Basri Özmutaf to meet the need for trained and qualified human resources in the footwear industry.
TASEV, which was established with the cooperation of the Turkish Shoe Manufacturers Association, the Shoe Sub-Industrialists Association, the Turkish Shoe Manufacturers Federation and the industry's leading 100 companies and members of the industry, has been a big step in opening the Turkish Shoe Industry to the world.
TASEV, which was established with the principle that the sector can only reach a highly competitive position in all aspects of the world markets and this can be sustained through education;
- With qualified trainings, TASEV meets the qualified human resource needs of the footwear industry,
- Opens new institutions for sustainable education activities and develops projects to support existing institutions,
- Provides consultancy for the sector,
- Organizes fair organizations that will support the growth of the sector and its opening to the world,
- Conducts productivity studies by organizing special trainings for companies and their employees.
- Conducts social responsibility projects.
TASEV Footwear and Saddlery Technology Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School
TASEV Footwear and Saddlery Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, which is the only secondary school in Turkey that provides education and training in the field of shoemaking, started its education activities in the 2002-2003 academic year.
The construction of the school was started in 2002 on a land of 10,000 square meters allocated to TASEV by the Ministry of National Education within the borders of Küçükçekmece Municipality and was completed in a short period of 4 months. It was built as a complex with 24 classrooms, laboratories, multi-purpose hall, museum building. With the motto '1 brick 1 billion', the school and other complexes were established with the financial support of many organizations of all sizes in the sector.
While TASEV Footwear and Saddlery Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School prepares its students for the future by gaining competency in the shoemaking profession; It also implements the activities and programs necessary for them to grow up as individuals who are modern, responsible, respectful to the environment and people, beneficial to their country, as part of their education.
The school, which has graduated 1720 students as of 2024, continues to provide education and training with the regular financial support of the sector and student scholarships.
TASEV ACADEMY was established by TASEV on 7 December 2016 with the aim of establishing a modern education institution that is open to development, suitable for the needs of the age needed by the footwear industry.
While TASEV ACADEMY supports the professional knowledge and skills of the employees in the shoe industry by providing professional and technical modular trainings, it contributes to the strengthening of the industry by organizing courses that will enable them to acquire new professions for those outside the industry.
The trainings taking place at TASEV ARGEM Campus are given by competent, experienced and well-equipped trainers who have received training in their field at home and abroad.
The carefully determined content and duration of each training module is planned in a way that will improve the participant's knowledge and skills on the subject. Participants who complete the training programs have TASEV ACADEMY approved certificate.
It was established on October 30, 2006 within the EU-KOSGEB Footwear Training Institute project in order to fill the lack of a reliable institution that can produce an internationally accepted test report for the footwear industry and to meet the needs of the industry in this regard.
Within the framework of the protocol signed between TASEV and KOSGEB on 06.08.2009, TASEV LABORATORY VE TEKNİK HİZMETLER A.Ş. is established. TASEV LABORATORY continues to serve the sector as QUALITY CONTROL LABORATORY.
TASEV Laboratory, equipped with modern and computerized special devices, air-conditioned special section and a separate section for chemical tests, selected by experts from Turkey and abroad, is managed by a trained and experienced staff.
The accreditation studies of the laboratory have been completed and it has been serving as an accredited laboratory since 2015. In addition, azo dyestuff and phthalate tests, which are required by the industry, have been included in the test since this date.
More than 150 TESTS and ANALYSIS are performed in the laboratory. All requests from the industry are evaluated in order to increase the number of tests and analyzes that can be performed in the laboratory, and efforts to increase the number of existing devices are also continuing in order to meet the demands.
Selçuk University Faculty of Architecture and Design Shoe Design and Production Program
Ankara University Beypazarı Vocational School
Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Gerede Vocational School
Gaziantep University Naci Topçuoğlu Vocational School
Harran University Organized Industrial Vocational School
Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa Technical Sciences Vocational School
Konya Technical University Technical Sciences Vocational School
Pamukkale University Acıpayam Vocational School
TASEV Shoe and Leathercraft Technology Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School - Küçükçekmece/ISTANBUL
Karatay Aykent Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School - Karatay/KONYA
Mehmet Cevdet Urgan Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School - Şehitkamil/GAZİANTEP
AYMOD - www.aymod.com
The Shoe Fashion Fair (AYMOD), which is the largest fair organization in its field in Turkey, directing the shoe and leather goods industry, is held twice a year, in autumn/winter and spring/summer.
With the support of TASEV, TASD, KOSGEB, TASD Fuarcılık A.Ş. organizes the fair contributing significantly to the growth of the sector's export volume with the participation of foreign visitors as well as domestic visitors.
AYSAF - www.aysafexpo.com
International Footwear Sub-Industry Fair (AYSAF) is the world's second largest fair organization in Turkey.
TASEV, Footwear Sub-Industry Manufacturers Association (AYSAD), and Artkim Fuarcılık A.Ş. AYSAF, which was held in Yesilkoy in cooperation with the sector, brings the sector together twice a year.
With the interest of foreign visitors as well as domestic visitors, AYSAF contributes significantly to the increase in the export and trade volume of the Turkish Footwear Sub-Industry and its opening to the world.
SHOEMAN - www.shoemanproject.org
Shoeman, the project of TASEV approved by the Turkish National Agency within the scope of EU Erasmus Plus, to train future managers in the European footwear industry, was launched in 2018.
We aim for Shoeman, a new generation manager training program, in parallel with the development of the shoe industry in line with the technological and new methodologies on the global platform.
MEDA is an educators' training project developed in 2002 in partnership with the EU, KOSGEB and Ministry of National Education in order to meet the shortage of educators in the sector.
New educators, who were trained to the sector by receiving training within the scope of the project, started to provide training within the School and Foundation.
After the project was completed and the European Union left supporting, the name of the Institute was changed to AYARGEM with the cooperation protocol signed between TASEV, KOSGEB and MEB on 9 May 2007. In line with the protocol signed between KOSGEB and TASEV on 06 August 2009; the right to use the machinery and equipment in AYARGEM has been given to TASEV for 20 years.
The project was started in 2011 to donate shoes to those in need. First of all, 20,000 pairs of shoes were produced at Ziylan A.Ş with the materials provided with the support of the sector and donated to those in need. Within the scope of the project, a total of 42,181 pairs of shoes have been donated to date.
With the principle that the sector will develop with educated individuals who are modern, responsible, respectful to the environment and people, beneficial to their country, TASEV gives scholarships to young people with limited financial means.